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Search results

  1. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    I've no idea why she's on my profile, since I never even owned her as an Accelgor, but here's your weirdnamething back, Squorn.
  2. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    hey squorn i have an escavalier here i'm willing to let you have him if you can scrounge $0 from somewhere
  3. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Preferably about $3, but I'll take whatever you're willing to pay.
  4. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    NO SCREW YOU er i mean ok EDIT: while I'm here, anyone interested in a Poochyena? EDIT THE SECOND: also a $1 Magikarp for I liek Squirtles.
  5. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

  6. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    LINOONEY YOU NEED MORE PORYGONS HERE http://tcodforums.eeveeshq.com/showpost.php?p=460284&postcount=140
  7. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Negrek was talking about implementing that, but you can't do it right now.
  8. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Me vs Crazy Linoone and Lil Dwagie has been ignored for quite a while now if you're interested, but otherwise the $15 would be much appreciated :3
  9. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Accepting $11 for that.
  10. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    I have things I no longer wish to have, remove them from me in return for money. [Eiko Carol] Cleffa (F) <Magic Guard> [Aleksandr Orlov] Sentret (M) <Keen Eye>
  11. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Oooh actually I vaguely remember wanting a Slowpoke so I might as well buy that one $
  12. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Why most certainly I would! [Boo] Gengar (M) <Levitate> Take good care of him I worked so hard raising that little guy D':
  13. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Done /o/
  14. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Trade evolution hax tiem [Nikolai] Kadabra (M) <Synchronise> FOR ALRAUNNE ONLY IF YOU'RE NOT ALRAUNNE GO AWAY. (i just noticed kadabra has "bra" at the end of his name snrk)
  15. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Dragomelet (F) <Solid Rock> For Alraunne. Thanks again for spriting it/its evolutions for me c:
  16. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    I'll take you up on that.
  17. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    What? More money than I was asking for in the first place?! most certainly not it's a disgrace GET OUT. ($20 is great thanks c: )
  18. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Well, I have a Sneasel I guess I don't need any more. [Masamune] Sneasel (M) <Inner Focus> Ideally looking for about $18, haggling acceptable.
  19. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    You can change moves/attributes of a Pokémon you get from someone else.
  20. Not Meowth

    The Black Market

    Sure thing, they're yours.
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